EUROAVIA kocaeli 


EUROAVIA, which includes more than 2000 students from 42 different universities in 18 different European countries, its main aim is; It is a community that aims to create a bridge between companies, students, and universities and has maintained this goal since 1959.

Gebze Technical University Aviation and Space Society Euroavia Committee was entitled to be PAS (Prospective Affiliated Societies) Kocaeli as a result of the conferences it participated in in 2019. With the Hot Wings Symposium held in Gebze Technical University, it has increased its presence in Euroavia. In May 2019 were invited to the event in Germany, with voting and presentation AS (Affiliated Societies) Euroavia’s take the name of Kocaeli in Turkey has been one of the four representatives. In this direction, the Euroavia Committee, which was established in 2019, aims to establish strong ties with students abroad, which is the main mission of Euroavia.






About the Local Group

Before our EUROAVIA adventure, our society’s name was GTU Aerospace Society. Since we joined the EUROAVIA family, we decided to unite our powers.

Our local group is also one of the local groups that have no faculty of Aeronautics and Aerospace. That shows our passion for aviation, space fields, and most importantly to EUROAVIA family.

About the University / Faculty

Gebze Technical University is one of the leading technological higher education institutes in Turkey that is located on the borders of Istanbul and Kocaeli. Originally established in 1992. First, it was named Gebze Institute of Technology. After 4th November of 2014, it has been renamed Gebze Technical University. Our university has basic sciences, architecture, and business faculties in addition to engineering departments such as electronics, computers, machines. It provides education to over 8000 students. Gebze Technical University, with its’ infrastructure, equipment, and academic staff, is the youngest but most experienced university, candidate to become the most important science base in our country. Since 2013, our university has been listed in the top 10 as the best higher education institutes.

About the City

Kocaeli, where approximately 2 million people live, is known for being one of the important industrial and R&D regions of Turkey. It has also an important geographical position that connects Europe and Asia.

Your message

As a community, we represent our university and country by developing new projects in competitions organized at home and abroad. That brings excitement by making flight shows with model aircraft and rockets everyone from seven to seventy. In addition to our technical skills, we provide many events, interviews, and conferences with experts in the aviation and space field.